Ibadah Yang Sejati Ditinjau Dari Sudut Pandang Alkitab dan Relevansinya Bagi Gereja Injili Di Indonesia ( GIDI ) Papua
Enggalim, Urugi, 2021.True Worship Reviewed From biblical point of view, and its
relevance to the Evangelical Church in Indonesia (GIDI) Papua. Thesis, Theological
Study Program, College of Theology bible studies for Rural Development of
Indonesia, Cianjur, West Java.Under Guidance: (1) Robi Prianto M.Th., (2) Kezia
Lawira S.Th., M.Ed.
GIDI Papua was officially recognized as a place of christian worship in Papua, on
February 12, 1963. Even though GIDI Papua is an adult (57 years old), but the fact
that in some practices of personality in this church is still very concerning. Many
members of the congregation in GIDI Papua, do not manifest the worship in their
daily lives as a people who worship God. There are still many members of the GIDI
congregation who are involved in occult practice. Free sex is also a big problem in
The Land of Papua more specifically in the GIDI congregation. The problem of theft
is also rampant in GIDI congregations. Infidelity often triggers tribal wars. There is
still a lot of polygamy committed by members of the church. Tribal wars are often
caused by women, politics and others. The church should in this case GIDI Papua
have an understanding of true worship.Because worship is God's call to God's
initiative to call people to worship Him, and respond to the work of salvation given
by God through Jesus Christ, and His people are invited to be blessings to this world.
The explanation of the above problem of worship is formulated to be: first, what is
the general view of true worship? Second, what is the Biblical view of true worship?
Third, what is the relevance of true worship to the life of today's GIDI Papua church?
True worship in the whole Bible in both the Old and New Testaments, it is
about true worship in the Old Testament, the Law and the Prophets and worship in
the Temple is the focal point.Worship in the general sense is obedience to God's
commandments and devotion to Him.The New Testament worship in the Temple no
longer exists. What is left is obedience and devotion to God in the daily life of
believers.That is the living and holy offering that Christians believe must be like a
river that always flows to irrigate all the vegetation.The water that always flows is
love, justice, peace and so on.When believers in the Evangelical Church in Indonesia,
can receive the love of Jesus, then that love will encourage them to be able to uphold
justice, bring peace in all fields. If Papua is the heart of the world by natural wealth,
then Papua must also be the heart of the world in terms of expanding the kingdom of
God through true worship performed by every Christian in his daily life.
Keywords: Worship, True, Bible, Relevance GIDI Papua
Detail Information
Item Type |
Bachelor's Thesis
Penulis |
Enggalim, Urugi - Personal Name
Student ID |
NIM 20170126
Dosen Pembimbing |
Robi Prianto, S.Th., M.Th. NIDN 2326058401 - - Dosen Pembimbing 1
Kezia Lawira, S.Th., M.Ed. - - Dosen Pembimbing 2 |
Penguji |
Aeron F. Sihombing, S.Th., M.Th. - NIDN 2325088101 - Ketua Penguji
Dr. Oferlin Hia, S.Th., M.Pd.K - NIDN 2321117701 - Penguji 1 Robi Prianto, S.Th., M.Th. - NIDN 2326058401 - Penguji 2 |
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI |
Edisi |
Departement |
Program Studi Teologi S1
Kontributor |
Kezia Lawira, S.Th., M.Ed. - Kontributor
Bahasa |
Penerbit | Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAPPI Cianjang : Cianjur., 2021 |
Edisi |
Subyek | |
No Panggil |
R. 196 Skripsi ENG.1
Copyright |
Individu Penulis
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