Hubungan Persepsi Perkawinan Dini dengan Hak Perlindungan Anak ( Studi Kasus GKP Palalangon, Cianjur )
XMLDESTHREES T. PUTRI HAREFA. The Relationship between Perceptions of Early
Marriage and Child Protection Rights (Case Study: GKP Palalangon, Cianjur).
The Early marriage has become an issue in Indonesia and also is part of marriage
laws and regulations offense. There are many negative impacts comes from early
marriage which is contracdicting with the Christian marriage. The objectives of study
were (a) to measure perceptions of early marriage, (b) to measure the understanding
of child protection rights, and (c) to measure the relationship of perceptions of early
marriage with child protection rights. Respondents were members of the GKP
Palalangon congregation who were married with a total of 85 respondents. The
research was conducted at GKP Palalangon, Cianjur. The research is descriptive
quantitative. Analyzing the data using the product-moment hypothesis test through
Microsoft Excel and SPSS 20. The results show (a) the category of understanding of
early marriage of the respondent are high, means respondents know well the issues
due to early marriage. The case of early marriage in GKP Palalangaon conggration is
still high enough. For men is 37,14% and for women is 50%. The cause of early
marriage are (a) to love each other and feel ready to marry, and (b) free sex activity,
(b) the category of the understanding of Child Protection Rights is high, means the
respondents notice about the rights of children. But respondent do not quite well
understand about the linkage between child rights and early marriage.. c) there is a
high positive correlation between early marriage with child protection rights,
(Correlation Coefficient is 0,604). 0.604 (60.4%). The value of determination (R²) is
0.364 (36.4%), meaning that the model used can explain the variation in the Y value
(child protection rights) of 0.364 or 36.4%. The remaining 36.6% is influenced by
others variable out side of the perception of early marriage in the study
Keywords: Perception, Early Marriage, Child Protection Rights
Detail Information
Item Type |
Bachelor's Thesis
Penulis |
Harefa, Desthrees Tani Putri - Personal Name
Student ID |
NIM 20170104
Dosen Pembimbing |
Dr. Ratna Katharina, drh., M.S. - NIDK 8803990019 - Dosen Pembimbing 1
D. Franklyn Purba, S.TP., M.P - NIDN 2302027302 - Dosen Pembimbing 2 |
Penguji |
Ir. Nenny N. Simamora., S.Th., M.Pd.K - NIDN 2326126701 - Ketua Penguji
Sunarto, S.Th., M.Th. - NIDN 231212660 - Penguji 1 Dr. Ratna Katharina, drh., M.S - NIDK 8803990019 - Penguji 2 |
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI |
Edisi |
Departement |
Program Studi Teologi S1
Kontributor |
D. Franklyn Purba, STP., M.P. NIDN 2302027302 - Kontributor
Bahasa |
Penerbit | Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAPPI Cianjang : Cianjur., 2021 |
Edisi |
Subyek | |
No Panggil |
R. 209 Skripsi HAR.1
Copyright |
Individu Penulis
Doi |